Tempat Berbagi Informasi Mengenai Pertanian

Kali ini saya kepingin membahas Mengnai Pertanian Indonesia, Tutorial Pertanian, Tips Pertanian serta Trik Pertanian. Dalam konteks pembangunan pertanian umum Indonesia mempunyai potensi yg luar biasa. Keberhasilan usaha peningkatan produksi pertanian memang dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor.

Namun dari banyak faktor tersebut, ada beberapa faktor yang sangat tergantung pada upaya yg dilakukan oleh Kita semua, di antaranya penyiapan lahan, penerapan tata cara budidaya yg benar, cara panen yang tepat & pengolahan pasca panen yang bagus. Hal-hal itu memiliki konten teknologi yg berpengaruh secara langsung dan hrs mendorong peningkatan produktivitas. untuk mengetahui Tips Pertanian dapat menunjungi web Tempat Berbagi Informasi Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia anda akan memperoleh segala macam info mengenai Pertanian Indonesia, selain membahas mengenai hal - hal pertanian website jg ngebahas tentang ilmu pengetahuan dan tentang Sumber Daya Alam yg Dapat Diperbarui.

Namun, dlm konteks produksi pangan memang ada suatu keunikan. Indonesia adalah produsen beras terbesar ketiga dunia setelah China dan India. Kontribusi Indonesia terhadap produksi beras dunia sebesar 8,5 persen atau 51 juta ton. China serta India sebagai produsen utama beras berkontribusi 54 persen. Vietnam & Thailand yg secara tradisional adalah negara eksportir beras hanya berkontribusi 54 & 3,9 persen.

Banyak pelaku pertanian di Indonesia yang mengeluhkan rendahnya hasil atau tingkat produktivitas panen. Namun demikian jarang di antara mereka yang ingin mengerjakan evaluasi dan introspeksi lebih jauh. Mereka rata-rata mengerjakan aktivitas pertanian dari mulai pengolahan hingga pemanenan masih mengikuti cara-cara konvensional. Minimnya info mengenai cara efektif peningkatan hasil produksi pertanian, keterbatasan sumber daya, serta kurangnya tingkat intervensi positif dari pihak penyuluh pertanian jg turut berpengaruh pada kegagalan peningkatan produksi pertanian tersebut, nah kali ini saya akn memberikan solusinya tentang Trik Pertanian dengan mengunjungi website Tempat Berbagi Info Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia.

Jika kenyataannya bahwa salah satu sebab keberhasilan usaha peningkatan produktivitas pertanian disebabkan pemberian nutrisi (pupuk) yang tepat maka web site sebagai solusi yg akn memberikan Tutorial Pertanian.

Karakteristik teknik bahan pertanian ialah sifat fisik dari bahan pertanian yg dianalisis dgn tujuan memudahkan dlm mendesain proses serta alat serta mesin yang terkait dengan penanganan serta aplikasi bahan pertanian. Contoh bahan pertanian yaitu benih, pupuk, hasil pertanian, hingga limbah biologis hasil aktivitas pertanian. Sifat fisik yg dianalisis merupakan ukuran sederhana (bentuk, panjang, luas permukaan, volume, massa, massa jenis), sifat listrik, sifat panas (mencakup konduktivitas, difusivitas, kemampuan pindah panas, dan sebagainya), karakteristik air (mencakup kadar air, higroskopisitas, kadar air kesetimbangan, dan sebagainya), sifat optik, tegangan mekanis, rheologi, sifat aerodinamika & hidrodinamika, dan sebagainya. Karakteristik ngga langsung seperti gesekan yang terjadi antara bahan pertanian serta bahan pertanian dengan media lain & kerusakan mekanik dan fisik juga dianalisis.

Itulah info Mengenai Tempat Berbagi Informasi Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia yang Sajikan kepada semua. Terima Kasih. Tempat Berbagi Informasi Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia

Tempat Berbagi Informasi Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia, Tempat Berbagi Informasi Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia bermanfaat dlm budidaya pertanian, perkebunan, peternakan & kehutanan di Indonesia. Web yang berisi tulisan lugas & mudah dimengerti tentang trik pertanian & tips pertanian akan sangat berguna dan penting untuk dibaca oleh mereka yang berkecimpung atau gak di bidang pertanian. Dijamin setelah membaca ulasa-ulasan menarik jokowarino akn menerima wawasan lebih luas tentang beragam jenis persoalan pertanian. Mulai dari tutorial, tips dan trik pertanian ada di web ini.

Bagi kamu yang kepingin bisnis budidaya pertanian jangan risau, meskipun tidak punya pengetahuan di bidang pertanian. Tutorial pertanian jokowarino akan membatnu anda dlm mengerjakan bisnis budidaya pertanian. Barangkali pertanian Indonesia akn lebih maju jika semua petani serta pelaku bidang pertanian, peternakan serta kehutanan membaca web jokowarino. Sebnarnya banyak situs yang mengulas masalah pertanian, tapi jujur jokowarino lebih menarik & enak dibaca dibanding lainnya. Ulasannya jelas serta lengkap serta gak ada yang ditutup-tutupi, lalu kemudian yg paling luar biasa ialah gratis. Berbagi Informasi Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia.

Isi Tempat Berbagi Info Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia Informasi Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia.

Isi dari site Jokowarino terdiri dari tutorial (panduan), tips, tirk, info Iptek dan info menarik lain yang seluruhnya fokus dalam bidang pertanian, perkebunan, peternakan dan kehutanan. Seluruh tulisan pada jenis tersebut diatas tertuang jelas, lugas dan gampang dimengerti serta lengkap. Semua org dapat membaca dgn gratis & utk mereka yang bergerak di bidang pertanian tentu akan sangat bermanfaat seklai site Jokowarino.

Bila belum mengerti masalah budidaya pertanian, misalnya merupakan budi daya durian, di situs Jokowarino memberi tutorial mulai dari awal sampai akhir dgn lengkap. Mulai dari persiapan lahan, pemupukan, pembibitan, perwatan serta lain sebgainya sampai kepada bagaimana menjual & membuat produk budidaya pertanian menjadi laris di pasaran. Tentu tutorial semacam tersebut tidak gampang ditemui, apalagi gratis seperti tutorial Jokowarino.

Kemudian hal menarik lain selain tutorial atau panduan Jokowarino adalah tips dan trik serta iptek di bidang pertanian. Ulasan yang diberikan Jokowarino gak jauh berbeda dgn tutorial, yaitu lengkap serta tidak susah dimengerti oelh pembaca awam di bidang pertanian. bila pembaca awam tidak sulit mengerti dan memahami, bagaimana dgn mereka yg terlibat di bidang pertanian. Pasti setelah membaca tulisan Jokowarino, hasil budiday pertanian mereka akn berkembang serta maju pesat.

Jangan Lupa Baca Tempat Berbagi Informasi Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia

Acung jempol buat Tempat Berbagi Info Mengenai Pertanian Indonesia. Bacaan online yg sangat bermanfaat dan bisa mengembangkan serta menignkatkan hasil budidaya pertanian, perkebunan, peternakan dan kehutanan di Indonesia. Semoga Jokowarino tetap semangat dalam berbagi ilmu pengethauan di bidang itu & tetap memberi ynag terbaik bagi kemajuan pertanian Indoensia di masa depan. Terima kasih, hingga jumpa.

The Latest On build software Secrets

Tips penguat sinyal, in this article I'm going to explain the highest 10 software development fallacies my business avoids. By avoiding these myths and emphasizing excellence, we're able to make great quality software.

Myth 1) Software has to be designed in detail before development starts, to ensure a clear plan might be out-layed.

The truth) The more complex a design, greater like software the structure itself is. By perfecting a design, then writing the application to that design, you're effectively writing the project twice. Instead, by doing a totally simple design sketches and data modelling rather than book-like design, a superb development team can certainly produce a shell for the program and efficiently refine it to your finished product. This process of refinement creates natural prototypes, allows easy adaptation when points that would be unforseen using a design arise (or raised as fresh concerns using a client), as well as the total process takes even less time. To pull this off takes a close team, skill, and experience, yet it's by far the best option for that majority of situations. Aplikasi penguat sinyal.

Myth 2) There are programmers, designers, analysts, and users.

Cara penguat sinyal, the truth) By structuring development making sure that all developers acquire some exposure to each portion of the development process, skills can be shared and greater insight might be gained. If developers should actually use the program then they will use that expertise to think about improvements that otherwise may not come to light.

Myth 3) A happy team is often a productive team.

The truth) A team of an individual with a wide selection of natural skills, experience and concern, that criticises 1 another and argues vehemently within the smallest details, brings up and resolve problems that otherwise could not be tackled. A furnace of relentless argument is best way to forge understanding and reach perfection.

Myth 4) It's important we understand our direction , nor compromise by using it.

The truth) Life is compromise, and compromise is not a weakness. There will always be issues (for example efficiency, budget, ease-of-use, power, scope, as well as the need for easy internationalisation) that can not be simultaneously met without such compromise. Cara Penguat Sinyal Android

Myth 5) We know just what the client wants, we know what are the issues are.

The truth) Without constant re-evaluation, it is possible to lose tabs on the objective. Developers tend to be faced with problems to resolve that they take into account the issues, when those have been separated from your actual market goals which enable it to become totally irrelevant. Developers should understand the market goals and then adapt when other pursuits change, and the goals themselves change.

Myth 6) Bigger is more preferable. Features are cool.

The truth) Features may easily confuse users, as well as their actual value ought to always be considered up against the cost of confusion. In some cases it can be sensible to remove working features because of such concerns. Cara Penguat Sinyal 3G

Myth 7a) The customer is usually right.

The truth) Most customers try hard not to look ignorant facing software developers, so because of this phrase their suggestions within a technical way. The effect is that often suggestions aren't really appropriate, since they will be not founded over a solid perception of technical issues.

Myth 7b) The customer is usually wrong.

The truth) Although customers needs are sometimes not best met by doing literally whatever they say, they always know what they have to want and why they desire it - in most cases for excellent reason. Understand them and adapt whatever they say, check with them, but never ignore them.

Myth 8) Comment your code a good deal.

The truth) Good code needs almost no commenting, because sensible uses of naming and white-space are better alternatives. Comments should only ever explain the non-obvious, or provide standard API documentation.

Myth 9) Such and the like is needed, such etc is great.

The truth) A bad workman blames his tools. Whilst some development tools aid development substantially, a fantastic developer are able to do great results in the majority of things served in their mind. There are a few exceptions, like Microsoft Access, or assembly language, but generally speaking the gap in quality results is much more because of the skills from the developers compared to quality of the tools.

Myth 10) The customer will understand if there's an effective and easy-to-use interface.

The truth) The interface won't just need to be easy-to-use, it requires to be navigatable with no overall systems understanding. Screens have to be self-describing.

MP3 Encoding

The MP3 is a complete advantage for anyone who enjoys and appreciates acceptable music. Not alone does it acquiesce users the accessibility of purchasing music online and ripping from purchased CDs, it additionally provides the absolute affluence in portability. There are added MP3 players on the bazaar than I can name. These players acquiesce you to download hundreds and in some cases bags of MP3’s to booty forth with you anywhere. I actualize MP3 CD’s absolute up to 120 of my admired songs for my alert amusement in my car. But how can so abounding audio files get stored on my 800MB (Megabyte) CD?

MP3 Encoders and MP3 converters technology are thecomputer application that creates MP3s by application an MP3 compression and decompression algorithm. For example, an boilerplate 3 minute WAV book can be as ample as 15MB. Application MP3 encoders and MP3 converters, a ample WAV book can be cut bottomward to a abundant abate and added carriageable MP3 book of about 3MB.

MP3 stands for MPEG Audio Band 3. At band 3, psychoacoustics attempt are acclimated to acquisition and abolish all accidental complete data, abrogation abaft alone the acute audio data. By accidental complete abstracts I beggarly all of the actuality that we bodies don’t apprehend anyway. Best bodies can’t apprehend sounds aloft 16 kHz so why would you appetite it acquisitive your deejay or adamantine drive space? Non-music audio such as speeches, sermons, audio books and ball albums, can be bargain alike beneath based on this.

Compression occurs afterwards the capital abstracts has been afar from the bombastic data. At this stage, the aforementioned bulk of abstracts can be stored application beneath $.25 and beneath space. The bit amount is the arrangement of the cardinal of $.25 transferred amid two accessories per second. The college the bit rate, the college the complete quality. The lower the bit amount ratio, the lower the complete quality. 192 Kb/s is the best accepted bit amount acclimated in peer-to-peer networks. For the best part, MP3 converters and encoders today use capricious bit rates. This allows for abundant added good affection audio because the bit amount conforms to the dynamics of the audio frames actuality stored which in about-face keeps added of the important music data. see in Jual Beli Paypal .

There are dozens of MP3 compressor and encodercomputer application programs accessible online and at stores. Some of the capital encoding engines are: LAME, Blade Enc, Fraunhofer Encoders and Xing. Deciding which MP3 encoding agent technology is appropriate for you depends on your alone needs and preferences. Blaze Media Pro is an accomplished advantage if you're attractive for a powerful, yet accessible to use, all-in-one multimedia solution.

Good Design Practices

Your net site is where your business resides -- it's like the headquarter of an offline company. Hence, it's important to practise nice design principles to make certain your site reaches out to the maximum number of visitors & sells to as many people as feasible.

Make certain you have clear directions on the navigation of your net site. The navigation menu ought to be uncluttered & concise so that visitors know how to navigate around your net site without confusion.

Keep your text paragraphs at a reasonable length. If a paragraph is long, you ought to split it in to seperate paragraphs so that the text blocks will not be large. This is important because a block of text that is large will deter visitors from reading your content.

Reduce the number of images on your net site. They make your site load slowly & usually they are unnecessary. in case you reckon any picture is essential on your site, make certain you optimize them using picture editing programs so that they have a maximum file size.

Make certain your net site complies to web standards at & make certain they are cross-browser compatible. If your net site looks great in net Explorer but breaks horribly in Firefox & Opera, you will lose out on many potential visitors.

Avoid using scripting languages on your site unless it's absolutely required. Use scripting languages to handle or manipulate data, not to generate visual effects on your net site. Heavy scripts will slow down the loading time of your site & even crash some browsers. Also, scripts aren't supported across all browsers, so some visitors might miss important information because of that.

Use CSS to style your page content because they save alot of work by styling all elements on your net site in one go.

Be Yourself

Let’s look at what the experts advise. By the way, while these tips sound bizarre -- they’re real nuggets, so stay with me:

1. Be an authentic liar.

2. Be your own valentine.

3. Fight bull.

Here’s how these successful experts connect with the marketplace – and you can too:

Be an authentic liar. In his latest book, All Marketers Are Liars, Seth Godin explains “the power of telling authentic stories in a low-trust world.” Mildly unsettling at first, he makes the case that our buyers are actually the ones who are lying. To themselves. About why they want to buy from us.

Successful marketers are just providing the stories that our buyers choose to believe. But here’s the rub: you have to really live the story you’re telling. The second a potential buyer smells anything less than complete dedication to what you’re selling, you “cross the line from fib to fraud.” It’s simply not good enough to have a good story. You have to live up to it as well. If you’re a cobbler with no shoes, why should your clients take your advice?

Be a role model for what you sell, and nothing less. Then tell a good story about it, to buyers who want to believe.

Be your own valentine. In his hot little book, Little Red Book of Selling, Jeffrey Gitomer takes a tough-love approach to helping us be the best version of ourselves we can be.

My personal favorites are:

• No Whining (“Don’t whine to me that the customer won’t return your call. Study voicemail. Don’t whine to me that your boss is a jerk. Get a new one. Don’t whine to me that your company won’t give you a laptop. Go buy one.”)

• Kick Your Own Ass (“Ever have a bad day? Ever lost a sale you thought you had? Ever had someone say yes to you and three days later just evaporate? Wanna know what to do about it…? Kick your own ass. No one is going to hand you success…that’s something you have to do for yourself.”)

The heart of Gitomer’s message is put your heart into your work…and if you don’t love what you sell, go sell something else. No amount of cleverly packaged marketing spin can camouflage a missing heart. Your clients will see right through it and won’t buy from you.

Research shows that people buy professional services because of trust. In Gitomer’s words, “If they like you, and they believe you, and they trust you, and they have confidence in you…then they MAY buy from you.”

Let your heart shine through in your words and actions. If you do, your clients will like, believe, trust, have confidence, and buy from you.

Fight bull. In their recent book, Why Business People Speak Like Idiots: A Bullfighter's Guide, Brian Fugere, Chelsea Hardaway, and Jon Warshawsky give it to us straight. Stop using words that are meaningless, boring, indirect and obscure. Start communicating with your own voice, personality, and style.

How many times have you sat through mind-numbing presentations, meaningless PowerPoint slides, or felt no connection with (no trust in?) the person trying to sell you on their idea, service or product?

So stop. Just stop adding to the bull that piles up every day in business communications. Talk and write to your target audience person-to-person. Ask them simple questions that get to the heart of their wants and needs. Tell them that you’ve thought a lot about their situation and have some ideas that might help them. And do it without the crutch of slides, silly business-speak, or slick messaging.

In other words, just be yourself.

Bisnis Online Rahasia Dahsyat hidup Sukses dan Uang Melimpah

Kontes terbaru dari bisnis online di tahun 2010 ini, bagi anda yang berminat silahkan mendaftar dan mengikutinya, kontes ini mengambil tema : Bisnis Online Rahasia Dahsyat hidup Sukses dan Uang Melimpah .
ini merupakan sebuah slogan dari suatu bisnis online yang menawarkan sebuah e-book dengan judul “Rahasia Meraih Hidup Sukses dan Uang yang Melimpah“.
di dalam e-book ini, mengupas tentang rahasia yang harus dijalani seorang pebisnis online maupun offline yang meliputi : rahasia terbebas dari lilitan hutang, rahasia naik jabatan, rahasia menghasilkan dan melipatgandakan keuntungan dari usaha yang bangkrut, rahasia ingin diterima pekerjaan karena di PHK atau sudah lama menganggur, rahasia ingin hidup bahagia di sayang suami atau istri, rahasia ingin hajatnya terkabul, rahasia ingin meraih rezeki yang melimpah, rahasia menjadi magnet uang, rahasia memiliki peternakan uang, dan rahasia dahsyat hidup sukses lainnya.

Silahkan bagi yang berminat untuk mengikuti dan mendaftar.


Puaskah kau lukaiku
Puaskah kau sakitiku
Puaskah khianatiku
Puaskah hoo.. Sayangku

Di manakah nuranimu
Di mana akal sehatmu
Sekarang kau campakanku
Setelah kau dapatkanku

Mungkin hanya bila ku mati
Kau ‘kan berhenti ‘tuk menyakiti
Sampai kapan aku begini
Terus begini
Terus engkau lukai

Ingatlah saat yang lalu
Saat kau peluk diriku
Tapi kini semua lalu
Kau tega khianatiku

Back to Reff

Tentang Rasa

Aku tersesat
Menuju hatimu
Beri aku jalan yang indah
Ijinkan ku lepas penatku
‘tuk sejenak lelap di bahumu

Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

Tentang cinta yang datang perlahan

Membuatku takut kehilangan
Ku titipkan cahaya terang
Tak padam di dera goda dan masa

Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

The Virgin Love setengah Mati

Hatiku bahagia

Saat didekatmu

Jiwaku melayang

Bersama dirimu

Aku ingin dirimu

Mengapa kau jauh

Aku merindumu

Tak dapat ku hidup

Tanpa senyumanmu

Sayang ku mencintaimu

Houu.. woo. cintaku milikmu

Sayang untuk selamanya

Kasih indahnya hidupku

Houu.. woo. engkaulah cintaku

Mengapa kau jauh

Aku merindumu

Tak dapat ku hidup

Tanpa senyumanmu

Sayang ku mencintaimu

Houu.. woo.. cintaku milikmu

Sayang untuk selamanya

Kasih indahnya hidupku

Houu.. woo.. engkaulah cintaku

Kasih indahnya hidupku

Houu.. woo.. engkaulah cintaku

Tak dapat ku hidup

Tanpa senyumanmu

Sayang ku mencintaimu

By : Jual Beli Paypal

When God Made You

Am7 = x02013 Am9 = x05500 A7/G = 302020

Asus4 = x02230 A#m7-5 = x12130 AM7 = xx7654

Bsus2 = x24422 Bm7 = x24232 B11 = x21220

Bm/F# = 224432 C/E = 032010 Dm7 = xx0211

D/F# = 200232 Dsus2 = xx0230 Em7 = 020000

E7sus4 = 020200

Gsus4 = 355533 G6/9 = 300430 GM7 = xx5432

Intro: D Em/B D A - Asus4 - A

C – G – Am7 – Am9 - Am7 -
It’s always been a mystery in me


F – Gsus4 - G -
And love can last forever

C – G – Am7 – Am9 - Am7 -
But now that I have found you, I believe

F – C/E -
That a miracle has come

F – Gsus4 - G -
When God sends the perfect one

F – G – Am7 - Am9 - Am7 –
Now gone are all my questions about why

F Gsus4 - G
And I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life

Chorus 1:

C Am
Oh, I wonder what God was thinking

C/E Gsus4 - G
When He created you

Am – G – F – Em –
I wonder if He knew everything I would need

Dm7 Gsus4 – G
Because He made all my dreams come true

*Am - Am9 - Am –
When God made you

*Am = x07558 Am9 = x07557 Am = x07555

G C Am – Am - Asus2
You must to been thinking about me, ooo o o o


G – D/F# –
Wherever life may lead you

G – A –
With all my heart I’ll be there too

D – A – Bm – Bsus2 - Bm –
And from this moment on I want you to know

G – D/F# –
I’ll let nothing come between us


G – A – Bm - Bsus2 -
Now gone are all my questions about why,

Bm - Bsus2 - Bm/F#
about why

Em A
And I have never been so sure of anything in my life

Chorus 2:

D Bm7
I wonder what God was thinking

D/F# A - Asus4 - A
When He created you

Bm – A – G – D/F# –
I wonder if He knew everything I would need

Em – Em7 – A - Asus4 - A
Because He made all my dreams come true

*Em7 - Em6 - Em –
When God made you

*Em7 = 022030 Em6 = 022020 Em = 02200

You must to been thinking

D - D - D - Dsus2 - Dsus2 - D - D
about me

G –
He made the sun

A7/G –
He made the moon

E7sus4 – Bm/F# –
One can’t move without the other

G6/9 – A - D/F# -
They just have to be together

G – A7/G –
And that is why I know it’s true

You’re for me and I’m for you

Em7 – D/F# –
Cause my world just can’t be right

GM7 – A - Asus4 - A
Without you in my life

Chorus 3:

D/F# Bm7
I wonder what God was thinking

D A - Asus4 - A
When He created you

Bm – A – G – D/F# –
I wonder if He knew everything I would need

Em – Bm – A - Asus4 - A
Because He made all my dreams come true

E C#m
He must to heard every pray I’ve been praying

I've been praying

C#m – B11 – A#m7-5
Yes, He knew everything I would need

When God made you…

I think God, He made you

Yes He is, yes He is

When dreams come true…


*F#m7 - F#m6 - F#m
When God made you…

*F#m7 = xx4252 F#m6 = xx4242 F#m = xx4222

You must to been thinking about me
Ending: G#m – F#m - A – E

Lupa-lupa Ingat

By : Kuburan

Leee mari mari rame rame kita kumpul tapi gak kebo
Leee bukan nyanyi tulo tulo mari kita nyanyi yo

Lupa, lupa lupa lupa, lupa lagi syairnya
Lupa, lupa lupa lupa, lupa lagi syairnya
Ingat, ingat ingat ingat, cuman ingat kuncinya
Ingat, aku ingat ingat, cuman ingat kuncinya

C A minor D minor ke G ke
C lagi A minor D minor ke G ke
C lagi A minor D minor ke G ke
C lagi

Back to [*] [**]

C A minor D minor Ke G ke
C lagi A minor Demi moore ke C
Ke C lagi D minor ke G ke C lagi A minor D minor ke G ke C lagi A minor D minor Ke G Ke C lagi A minor D minor ke G ke C lagi

Nah abis dari C kita kemana nih,
Sudahlah kita ke C lagi saja (ke C lagi) jangan pusing-pusing
Tau nih kayaknya ke C lagi aja (ke C lagi) jangan ngikutin teruslah
Berantakan ini yang dapet (ke C lagi)
Ey yang bener udahlah ganti ini
Ke C lagi ke c lagi (ke C minoor)

Download the MP3 for Lupa-lupa Ingat here

Heal the world

By : Michael Jackson

There's a place in your heart, and I know that it is love
And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try, you'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel, there's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place

* Heal the world make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race

** There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me

If you want to know why, there's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong, it only cares for joyful giving if we try
We shall see in this bliss, we cannot feel fear or dread
We stop existing and start living

Then it feels that always love's enough for us growing
So make a better world, make a better world

[Repeat * , **]

And the dream we were conceived In will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life wound this earth crucify
Its soul though it's plain to see this world is heavenly be God's glow

We could fly so high let our spirits never die in my heart
I feel you are all my brothers create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears see the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares

We could really get there if you cared enough for the living
Make a little space, to make a better place

[Repeat * , ** , * , **]

[Repeat * , ** , ** , **]

You and for me (x11)

Heal The World lyrics by Michael Jackson

We will not go down (song for gaza)

By : Michael Heart

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

4 Minutes (To save the World)

By : Justin Timberlake Feat Madonna & Timbaland


Eb Bb Cm
I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes, 4 minutes, eh

I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes, 4 minutes, eh

Gm-Dm-F-Gm – Bb-F-
Come on… uh

Gm F-Gm
Yeah… ha

Gm-F - Bb - Gm
Breakdown come on
[Madonna 4 Minustes Chords –]

Justin Timberlake:

Gm-Dm-F-Gm – Bb-F-Gm
Hey… uh

Come on



Gm - Dm -
Come on boy,

F - Gm – Bb - F - Gm
I've been waiting for somebody to pick up my stroll


F-Gm F-Bb - Gm-Dm-
Uh, well don't waste time,
Bb - F - Gm F - Gm F-Bb -
Tell me how you wanna roll, eh, mmm…


Gm-Dm F - Gm
I want somebody

Bb - F - Gm
To speed it up for me then takes it down slow

F - Gm F-Bb -
There's enough room for both


Gm - Dm - F -
Girl, I can hit you back

Gm –
Just gotta show me where it's at

Bb - F - Gm F - Gm – F-Bb-
Are you ready to go? (Are you ready to go?)

( * ) Madonna and Justin:

Gm-Dm-F - Gm –
If you want it

Bb-F - Gm –
You've already got it

F - Gm
If you thought it

It better be what you want

Gm-Dm-F - Gm –
If you feel it

Bb - F - Gm –
It must be real just

F - Gm
Say the word and

Eb – F
Time is waiting


We only got 4 minutes to save the world


Eb – F
No hesitating

Grab a boy


Go grab your girl


Eb – F
Time is waiting


We only got 4 minutes to save the world
Eb – F
No hesitating

We only got 4 minutes, huh, 4 minutes

Gm –
So keep it up keep it up

Dm - F - Gm –
Don't be afraid, hey

Madonna, uh


Gm F-Gm
You gotta get em a heart

Gm - F - Bb -
Tick tock tick tock tick tock


Dm - F - Gm –
Don't be afraid, hey

Madonna, uh


Gm F-Gm
You gotta get em a heart

Gm - F - Bb -
Tick tock tick tock tick tock

F - Gm - Bb - F - Gm F-Gm – F-Bb-
What I need is a you intervention, yeah…


Gm - Dm - F -
And I know I can tell that you like it

Gm –
And that it's good

Bb - F - Gm F-Gm
By the way that you move

Gm - F-Bb-
Oooh, hey…


Gm-Dm - F -
The road to heaven

Gm – Bb - F-Gm F-Gm F-Bb-
Is paved with good intentions, yeah…


Gm - Dm - F-
But if I die tonight

Gm – Bb-F- Gm F-Gm
At least I can say I did what I wanted to do

Tell me, how 'bout you?

Back to: ( * )





Tick tock tick tock tick tock


Yeah, uh


Tick tock tick tock tick tock


I've only got four minutes to save the world

Black or White

By : Michael Jackson

I Took My Baby
On A Saturday Bang
Boy Is That Girl With You
Yes We're One And The Same

Now I Believe In Miracles
And A Miracle
Has Happened Tonight

But If
You're Thinkin'
About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're
Black Or White

They Print My Message
In The Saturday Sun
I Had To Tell Them
I Ain't Second To None

And I Told About Equality
An It's True
Either You're Wrong
Or You're Right

But If
You're Thinkin'
About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're
Black Or White

I Am Tired Of This Devil
I Am Tired Of This Stuff
I Am Tired Of This Business
Sew When The
Going Gets Rough
I Ain't Scared Of
Your Brother
I Ain't Scared Of No Sheets
I Ain't Scare Of Nobody
Girl When The
Goin' Gets Mean

L T B Rap Performance
For Gangs Clubs
And Nations
Causing Grief In
Human Relations
It's A Turf War
On A Global Scale
I'd Rather Hear Both Sides
Of The Tale
See It's Not About Races
Just Places
Where Your Blood
Comes From
Is Where Your Space Is
I've Seen The Bright
Get Duller
I'm Not Going To Spend
My Life Being A Color

Don't Tell Me You Agree With Me
When I Saw You Kicking Dirt In My Eye

But If
You're Thinkin' About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White

I Said If
You're Thinkin' Of
Being My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White

I Said If
You're Thinkin' Of
Being My Brother
It Don't Matter If You're
Black Or White

Ooh Ooh
Yea Yea Yea Now
Ooh Ooh
Yea Yea Yea Now

It's Black It's White
It's Tough For You
To Get By
It's Black It's White Whoo

It's Black It's White
It's Tough For You
To Get By
It's Black It's White Whoo

In to The Night

By : Santana

Intro: Am C G D5 (x2)
Am C
(*) Like a gift from the heavens, it was easy to tell
G D5
It was love from above, that could save me from hell
Am C
She had fire in her soul it was easy to see
G D5
How the devil himself could be pulled out of me
Am C
There were drums in the air as she started to dance
G D5
Every soul in the room keeping time with there hands
And we sang…
[Santana: Into The Night Chords –]
Chorus 1:
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
G D5
And the voices rang like the angels sing
And singing…
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
G D5
And we danced on into the night
(Ay oh ay oh)
(Ay oh ay oh)
G D5
And we danced on into the night
Am C
Like a piece to the puzzle that falls into place
G D5
You could tell how we felt from the look on our faces
Am C
We was spinning in circles with the moon in our eyes
G D5
No room left to move in between you and I
Am C
We forgot where we were and we lost track of time
G D5
And we sang to the wind as we danced through the night
And we sang…
Back to: Chorus 1
(Ay oh ay oh)
(Ay oh ay oh)
G D5
And we danced on into the night
Interlude: Am C G D5 (x4)
Back to: (*)
Chorus 2:
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
G D5
And the voices rang like the angels sing
And singing…
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
G D5
And we danced on into the night
(Ay oh ay oh)
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
G D5
And we danced on into the night
(Ay oh ay oh)
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
G D5
And we danced on into the night
Am C
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
(Ay oh ay oh)
G D5
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
(Ay oh ay oh)
Am C
Singing ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
(Ay oh ay oh)
G D5
And we danced on into the night